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latin quarter bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "latin quarter"
  • In 1949, her father opened the New York version of the Latin Quarter.
    Pada tahun 1937, ayahnya membuka kelab malam bernama Latin Quarter.
  • In the heart of the Latin quarter, Marché Monge has been running since 1921!
    Di jantung Latin Quarter, Marché Monge telah berjalan sejak 1921!
  • Whistler arrived in Paris in 1855, rented a studio in the Latin Quarter, and quickly adopted the life of a bohemian artist.
    Kemudian tahun 1855 ia tiba di Paris, menyewa studio di Latin Quarter, dan dengan cepat mengadopsi kehidupan seniman bohemia.
  • We went on a stroll in the area to find out some of the things you must do in the Latin Quarter.
    Kami pergi berjalan-jalan di sekitar latin quarter dan kami akan memberitahu Anda beberapa hal yang harus Anda lakukan di Latin Quarter.
  • We went on a stroll in the area to find out some of the things you must do in the Latin Quarter.
    Kami pergi berjalan-jalan di sekitar latin quarter dan kami akan memberitahu Anda beberapa hal yang harus Anda lakukan di Latin Quarter.
  • Located in the heart of the Latin Quarter, in Paris’s lively 5th arrondissement is Select Hotel. Noter Dame Cathedral is 2953 feet away. read more…
    Select Hotel terletak di jantung Latin Quarter, di distrik ke 5 Paris yang ramai. Katedral Notre-Dame terletak sejauh 900 meter. selengkapnya…
  • The Latin Quarter of Paris is an area in the 5th and 6th arrondissements of Paris. It is situated on the left bank of the Seine, around the Sorbonne.
    Terletak di Latin Quarter Paris adalah daerah di ke-5 dan 6 arondisemen Paris. Terletak di tepi kiri Sungai Seine, di sekitar Sorbonne.